Friday, November 25, 2016

Pokemon Tower Defense 3 in full swing! Special Birthday Elemental giveaway for the rest of the year!

Want to get the Shiny Starters? Shiny Zorua? Shiny legendary dogs? Shiny Mew? or any other shiny pokemon in the game? Adopt them today using SnD coins! Click here for more info.

Visit the PTD: Pokemon Center - a place to trade pokemon, get your Daily Code, adopt Pokemon, view your items and change your avatar!

Pokemon Tower Defense 3 in full swing!
Hey everyone!

Sam here, it's been a long time since I posted something on the blog and I think it's about time we started updating here.

If you haven't already be sure to follow me on twitter as I constantly post my progress and answer questions on there. You can find that on the left top side of this blog.

So PTD3 is out and in full swing. I just recently finished the basic Trading Center section for PTD3 and the reason it took so long is that I did a new layout for it that is mobile friendly. So you are able to access that on your phones a lot easier and it will look great. I don't plan to update the other sections of the trading center to the new layout since I want to focus on PTD3 levels etc.

For PTD3 I do have some cool updates and features on the way. I plan to add different pokeballs and special pokemon (like the Kyogre in level 6) that will be catchable only with the different pokeballs.

I also plan to add secrets to each level that will unlock special pokemon. For example getting Alola Rattata in level one.

Also I will have something similar to the Hall of Fame in PTD2 for PTD3. Instead it will focus on collecting all the different elemental versions or having a set amount of elementals to unlock certain pokemon or items/avatars for your account.

Elemental giveaway for the rest of the year!

So every year I do a special giveaway and this year is no different. Elemental Mew is the first mystery gift for PTD3! Everyday there will be a new elemental type of Mew given away until the end of the year. In January we will have a new mystery gift but I'm not sure if all the elements will be available for it. It may only be some or just one.

So that's all I have for now, thanks for your support as always and I do plan to update the blog more often with cool behind the scenes as well as any other announcements I make.


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