Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting Married! Going on Honeymoon!

Want to get the Shiny Starters? Shiny Zorua? Shiny legendary dogs? Shiny Mew? or any other shiny pokemon in the game? Adopt them today using SnD coins! Click here for more info.

Visit the PTD: Pokemon Center - a place to trade pokemon, get your Daily Code, adopt Pokemon, view your items and change your avatar!

Welcome to the Sam and Dan Games Developer Blog! Moving forward one step at a time.

Sam and Dan Games: Fundraiser! Phase 3
Help us keep making games and earn awesome prizes like Shiny Rayquaza and Shiny Heatran!  
Our Goal: $50,000

Getting Married! Going on Honeymoon!
As the title suggest this Saturday 7/27 I will be getting married around 5PM Eastern Time. It has been a long year of planning, blood, sweat and tears but it is finally here! I'm incredibly happy about this step in my life and I wouldn't do it with anybody else but Zaira, my fiance.

For our honeymoon we will be traveling for 2 weeks so I won't be around to make update for you guys :(. Like I mentioned on Twitter I will be doing the 3 Mystery Gifts in advance and the sponsor will release them on 8/2 and 8/9 on his blog. Once you find the code put it in and the gifts will be available to play on v1.48 of PTD2.

I didn't have enough time to do both the Mystery Gifts and the Giveaways so I will have to do the giveaway when I return.

Honestly without you guys this wedding would have not happened, so I wanted to say Thank you for playing our games and for always supporting us.

Soon I will be back and with the wedding behind me I will be able to refocus on the game and work harder than I ever had.

I will miss you guys!